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Morrl Morrl Australia
Morrl Morrl Australia


  • 2021

¿Por qué aquí?

Australia dispone de una superficie de más de 7,6 millones de kilómetros cuadrados con bosques naturales que en el pasado se extendían por todo el país. Desde el siglo XVIII, la mitad de sus bosques autóctonos y campos han sido reemplazados o se han degradado a causa de la deforestación, el sobrepastoreo, la explotación minera y la urbanización.

Las enormes extensiones de tierra degradada son una gran amenaza para la biodiversidad de Australia, donde el 80 % de la flora y fauna son endémicas. Dicho de otro modo: si alguna de esas especies se extingue en Australia, desaparecerá en todo el mundo.

Los fenómenos extremos provocados por el cambio climático, como los incendios forestales, la deforestación con fines agrícolas y el sobrepastoreo de ganado han degradado la tierra. Estas enormes extensiones de terreno no podrían regenerarse de forma natural, sin intervención humana. Por eso creamos Land Life.

Nuestro objetivo es restaurar la naturaleza con ecosistemas resilientes y bosques sanos que favorezcan el clima y la biodiversidad y beneficien a la población de Australia.

Nature crisis

Australia is one of the world's 17 megadiverse countries

While these 17 megadiverse countries make up less than 10% of the world’s surface, they support more than 70% of all species. Australia hosts disproportionally large assortments of the world’s plant, animal and fungi life, with many species unique only to Australia, such as koalas, wombats, emus and platypus.

Koala climbing tree
Nature Crisis

Did you know koalas are endangered?

Australia may be a megadiverse country, but it already has one of the worst extinction rates on Earth, and it’s getting worse. According to the Australian Conservation Foundation, there are now 2,245 Australian ecosystems, plants and animals recognized nationally as being threatened with extinction. And its most iconic species, the koala is endangered. According to even the most generous estimates, only 3% of the estimated pre-colonial population of 10 million animals remain today. The Australian Koala Foundation claim koala populations fell by a shocking 30% between 2018 and 2021 due to widespread drought and bushfires.

Endangered koala
Endangered koala

Última llamada: la reforestación en Australia


global supply chain

Climate change and loss of biodiversity in Australia may have a significant impact on the world's food and fiber supply

A massive 60% of Australia is privately owned or leased for agriculture and 72% of agricultural production is exported. Yet farmers are already grappling with the impacts of climate change. Australian agriculture plays a crucial role in the world's food and fiber supply chain. For example: + Australia is the world's largest barley exporter, accounting for a 5th of global barley trade + The second largest exporter of beef and raw sugar in the world and the fifth largest wine exporter + The leading global supplier of wool and the world's largest wool export nation, producing 45% of global wool exports + Australian wheat accounts for 10 to 15% of the world's annual global wheat trade Now more than ever it's critical to restore degraded land at scale and boost biodiversity in Australia to reduce the impact of climate change.

Sheep farm
Sheep farm

Working with farmers to restore marginal land

Land Life's Australian team prioritizes the restoration of degraded agricultural land, working with farmers and private landowners to reforest unproductive and/or marginal zones. Our team also considers whether the property will support our goal of establishing wildlife corridors, and the site's potential to deliver biodiversity gains.

Farmers surrounded by low shrubs on site in Merrinee Victoria
Black cow close up
Native flowering plant Victoria Australia

Why invest in Australia?

There are many benefits when choosing Australia for your carbon removal restoration project, including:

Economy of scale

  • Access to vast quantities of marginal agricultural land offers buyers significant volumes of carbon


  • Fast-growing projects due to Australia’s unique, carbon-dense ecosystems
  • Reduced impact from bushfires, as Australia’s native plants are designed to regenerate naturally, requiring less intervention post-fire
  • Safe and stable legal framework supported by streamlined government processes


  • Permanency of restoration projects protected under legal perpetuity
  • Opportunity to drive cultural and social impact for Traditional Owners, including employment and land access for Indigenous communities
  • Vital restoration of habitat and creation of extensive wildlife corridors to support Australia's extinction crisis, including endangered koalas

Book a scoping call to find out more

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How we manage your carbon removal projects

Land Life's Australian-based team of ecologists, scientists and restoration experts manages your carbon reforestation project from start to finish. This local experience is blended with input from ecologists, scientists and tech innovators based in our Amsterdam head office, adding a layer of global restoration expertise to each project. Our local team identifies suitably degraded land and assesses projected, site-specific carbon sequestration and biodiversity gains. Then, with support from our experienced local restoration partner Cassinia Environmental, we design, execute and monitor your tree planting site. The final stage is facilitating verification and certification of your reforestation project with an independent third party. DEVELOPER - We create a supply of Australian reforestation projects EXPERIENCE - Our local team leverages Land Life's global expertise and our lead delivery partner's 20 years of restoration experience RISK MITIGATION - Land Life owns the entire carbon removal process from pre-to-post-planting.

Man looking at eucalytpus sapling
Planting seedling in earth
Man and woman with drone on rural land
Our local partner

Quality Control

Since 2019, Land Life's Australia team has worked closely with our main restoration partner, Cassinia Environmental. In fact, we share an office! Cassinia brings 20+ years of Australian restoration experience and is the lead delivery partner for the Victorian State Government's ambitious BushBank restoration program to restore 20,000 ha of degraded land. Combining Cassina's stellar local experience with Land Life's decade of global innovation in nature restoration delivers exceptional quality to our Australian restoration projects.

Three farm managers gathered around new growth seedling
Three farm managers gathered around new growth seedling
Carbon Projects

Australian Carbon Reforestation Portfolio

Land Life has implemented 18+ carbon reforestation projects since 2019, managing large-scale degraded land restoration in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia. Our Operations Team is currently preparing for carbon reforestation projects in the pipeline for 2025. It will be Land Life Australia's biggest year yet - we'll restore a similar amount of hectares to the total we've restored across the previous six years.

Ask about carbon reforestation opportunities in Australia.

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Captura prevista de CO2 (en toneladas)


Barren landscape
'Lawan' Site, Victoria 2019
'Lawan' Site, Victoria 2019
Barren landscape
'Lawan' Site, Victoria 2024
Wide view of restoration project
Wide view of restoration project
arrow leftDragarrow left
'Lawan' Site, Victoria 2024

Beneficios que van más allá del carbono


Creamos bosques más resilientes

Los proyectos que llevamos a cabo en Australia capturan CO2 a través de Soluciones Climáticas Naturales. Para nosotros, es primordial que estos proyectos perduren, por eso creamos bosques resilientes con capacidad para adaptarse a los futuros efectos del cambio climático.


Recuperamos hábitats y creamos ecosistemas resilientes

Al construir ecosistemas resilientes y vivos capaces de adaptarse a las futuras condiciones climáticas, restauramos también corredores ecológicos, el potencial de dispersión, la diversidad de especies y otros elementos fundamentales para vida silvestre de Australia.


Confiamos en la experiencia y el conocimiento local

Las comunidades locales participan en nuestros proyectos desde su inicio. Además, mejoramos y confiamos en el conocimiento y la buena disposición de la población local, e intentamos que saquen beneficio del impacto que generan nuestros proyectos.

Amos Atkinson - Land Life Indigenous Liaison Manager
Indigenous Engagement

“I’ve been working with Land Life in Australia since their very first nature restoration project in 2019. As a proud Dja Dja Wurrung man and Land Life’s Indigenous Liaison Manager, I’m empowered to work alongside the team to reach out to Traditional Owner groups in the regions we’re working in. We discuss how to work together to successfully deliver projects, such as tapping into 65,000+ years of traditional knowledge of the local land and waterways, and identifying opportunities for Traditional Owners to gain economic and cultural benefits from the project site.”

Amos Atkinson - Land Life Indigenous Liaison Manager
Australia FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work with registration and issuance of credits?

  • Land Life sends the details of your project to VERRA upon completion of planting. VERRA-certified independent auditors conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your reforestation project and validate the amount of carbon sequestration. VERRA then issues your Verified Carbon Units (VCU) valid for a 40 year period. You choose when to retire these VCUs.

Two women looking at map on outback property in Victoria
Two women looking at map on outback property in Victoria

We Partner Locally With

Cassina Environmental logo
Carbon Market Institute logo
Bush Heritage Australia logo
Trust for Nature logo
University of Melbourne logo
Djarra logo
Barngarla logo
South Australian Native Title Services
Western Sydney University
CSIRO logo
Cassina Environmental logo
Carbon Market Institute logo
Bush Heritage Australia logo
Trust for Nature logo
University of Melbourne logo
Djarra logo
Barngarla logo
South Australian Native Title Services
Western Sydney University
CSIRO logo
Cassina Environmental logo
Carbon Market Institute logo
Bush Heritage Australia logo
Trust for Nature logo
University of Melbourne logo
Djarra logo
Barngarla logo
South Australian Native Title Services
Western Sydney University
CSIRO logo
Invest in Nature

Want to plant trees in Australia, but don't need to invest in carbon sequestration?

Our South Australian 'Talia' Project offers CSR opportunities to build vital biolinks for vulnerable and threatened species, while mitigating climate change. This large-scale restoration project will restore habitat for furry Australian mammals such as bandicoots, wombats and bettongs, as well as threatened native bird species including the Diamond Firetail. Investing in this project will also provide meaningful social and economic development outcomes for the Traditional Owners of Talia - the Wirangu and Nauo First Peoples.

Southern nosed hairy wombat
Southern nosed hairy wombat

Ask about investing in our South Australian CSR Tree Project.

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Local Knowledge & Expertise

Our Australian Team

Our partners

We Are Trusted By

Bosch logo
ABN Amro logo
Achmea logo
DHL logo
Zalando logo
LeasePlan logo

LeasePlan partnered with Land Life to help its customers make their trips carbon neutral. This is part of the company's global objective to reach net zero emissions from its entire fleet by 2030.


Bosch logo
ABN Amro logo
Achmea logo
DHL logo
Zalando logo
LeasePlan logo

LeasePlan partnered with Land Life to help its customers make their trips carbon neutral. This is part of the company's global objective to reach net zero emissions from its entire fleet by 2030.


Bosch logo
ABN Amro logo
Achmea logo
DHL logo
Zalando logo
LeasePlan logo

LeasePlan partnered with Land Life to help its customers make their trips carbon neutral. This is part of the company's global objective to reach net zero emissions from its entire fleet by 2030.


Always & Forever

Acknowledgement of Country

We wish to acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the Traditional Owners of the land, sea and waters of the Australian continent. We pay our respects to the ancestors and Elders and extend that respect to their history and continuous connection to Country. As our nature restoration work grows and flourishes, Land Life recognises their custodianship of culture and Country. We’re committed to engaging with First Peoples on our projects and to learn from their practices of sustainability and resilience that guided them for over 60,000 years. Sovereignty has never been ceded across Australia.

Arial image of reforestation project in Australia
Arial image of reforestation project in Australia
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Proyectos en Australia

invest in nature

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